Connect with Lafond and be the Change you desire in the World!!!
Connect with Lafond and be the Change you desire in the World!!!
We understand that people cannot live their best life unless their mind and body are in harmony. That's why we take a holistic approach to living life in the village of Lafond, Haiti.
Our goal is to live in harmony with Nature and our culture while dedicating our hardworking hours to life style changes that benefit our people. We are co
We understand that people cannot live their best life unless their mind and body are in harmony. That's why we take a holistic approach to living life in the village of Lafond, Haiti.
Our goal is to live in harmony with Nature and our culture while dedicating our hardworking hours to life style changes that benefit our people. We are committed to using the fundamental healing principles of mind-body-spirit. We believe these three entities work as one for the purpose of reaching the ultimate bliss, which inspired us to have a human experience on planet Earth.
With every thing we do, mother Nature is our guide and our best ally. We believe the Universe is abundant and full of opportunities!
With quality education the children of Lafond have access to any dream they want to dream! Nothing is beyond their reach. We believe that we have the responsibility to provide a safe environment for our children to grow and be the best they can be. We teach them to love and care for Mother Nature so they can become self sufficient in the
With quality education the children of Lafond have access to any dream they want to dream! Nothing is beyond their reach. We believe that we have the responsibility to provide a safe environment for our children to grow and be the best they can be. We teach them to love and care for Mother Nature so they can become self sufficient in the future. We are preventing migration to the cities by providing the best to our children so they can feel proud in who they are. We also want to inspire the ones who left Lafond to return and reconnect with who they are and renew their commitment to giving back to the community that raised them!
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Infections are the number one killers in the village of Lafond, Haiti. Our goal is to provide the people of Lafond with the guidance, knowledge, and tools they need not only to cure the above conditions but also to use prevention in order to achieve optimal wellness! The hospital is the site of modern
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Infections are the number one killers in the village of Lafond, Haiti. Our goal is to provide the people of Lafond with the guidance, knowledge, and tools they need not only to cure the above conditions but also to use prevention in order to achieve optimal wellness! The hospital is the site of modern laboratories and a medicinal garden, source of healthy fruits and vegetables for our client's daily meals. Medicinal herbs and essential oils used in alternative medicine will come from our garden as well!
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